Grow more rice in the second Rain, Hon. Dr. Agnes Atim Apea Woman Member of Parliament Amolatar Urge farmers of Amolatar.

Hon. Dr. Agnes Atim Apea Commonly known as “ IMAT OCERE (MAMA RICE) ” has urged farmers to plant more rice in this second rain that is presumed to begin in A ugust. Dr. Agnes Atim Apea is the founder and the initiator of rice growing in Amolatar District and the current Woman Member of Parliament of Amolatar District . In her effort to lift the economic income of her people of Amolatar District, Hon. Dr Agnes Atim Apea has availed farmer s with access to tractors to support farmers in Amolatar District in cultivating their rice garden. In an interview today, the Woman MP urge her voters to use this second rain to plant more rice since rice market is already available in the district through Hope Development Initiative. She further urged farmers not to deviate a way from growing rice since the benefit s is huge and can support the local farmers with quick money which can help them support their children at school and also support the families in acqui...